Bolder Way Forward for Utah

Sexual Assault                                                                                                    A Bolder Way Forward Logo

The Sexual Assault Spoke seeks to significantly reduce sexual violence in our state by uniting individuals and organizations to educate, empower, and activate Utahns in this cause. Sexual assault and rape result in significant individual societal costs including negative short- and long-term physical, psychological, and emotional effects. Research reports that Utah ranks poorly (43 of 51) in terms of the prevalence of rape victimization among women and that we are 9th of the 50 US states for the number of rapes per capita. Further, only 11.8% of individuals who have experienced rape or sexual assault in Utah reported the crime to law enforcement. Things need to change in Utah! To learn more, listen to the spoke leaders discuss the work on this 15-minute podcast.

Spoke Leaders

Liliana Olvera-Arbon

Liliana Olvera-Arbon

Executive Director, UCASA

Liliana Olvera-Arbon is the Executive Director of the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault. She has over 10 years’ experience working in social services and envisions a world free of gender-based violence.   

Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Julie Valentine

Julie Valentine 

Professor, University of Utah 
LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Julie L. Valentine joined the University of Utah College of Nursing in October 2023 as a Professor. Her ultimate professional objective is to significantly reduce instances of sexual and gender-based violence.

University of Utah

Tallie Viteri

Tallie Viteri

Interim Director, UOVC
LinkedIn Profile

Tallie started her victim advocacy work as a case manager as she helped to open Utah’s first Family Justice Center at the YWCA of Salt Lake City. She joined the team at Utah Office for Victims of Crime as a Grant Analyst and since moved up to become the Interim Director.

Utah Office for Victims of Crime

Bold Vision & Goals

To make Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive, the Sexual Assault spoke leaders and partners have crafted the vision and goals below. Spoke leadership and UWLP team members are currently working to collect baseline data that will assist in adding numbers to the changes we want to see by 2026 and 2030.

Vision: Significantly decrease the prevalence of sexual assault in Utah and substantial increase the resources and support for survivors. 

  1. Decrease Utahn’s high rate of rape from 59.5 per 100,000 inhabitants (6th worst state) in 2022 to the total US rate (40.0 per 100,000) by 2030. (Note: Most rapes in Utah are not reported, but as Utah’s culture changes so the women feel they will be believed and that action will be taken, there will most likely be a temporary increase in reporting.) [Metric]
  2. Increase the number of programs that are meeting the “minimum standard of care” to have 80% compliance by 2026 and 100% compliance by 2030. [Metric Forthcoming]
  3. Increase the number of victim service activities and services by 10% in 2026 and by 25% in 2030. [Metric Forthcoming]
  4. Increase state sexual assault prevention funding by 50% by 2026 and 75% by 2030. [Metric Forthcoming]
  5. Change Utahns’ agreement (understanding and perceptions) in the following areas [Metric Dashboard]:
    1. I don’t think sexual assault is a big problem in Utah. [Decrease agreement by 5% by 2026 and 15% by 2030]
    2. Any unwanted sexual contact or behavior is sexual assault. [Increase agreement by 5% by 2026 and 10% by 2030]
    3. I don’t think there is much I can do about sexual assault in my community. [Decrease agreement by 10% by 2026 and 20% by 2030]
    4. I know where to find sexual assault resources in my community. [Increase by 10% by 2026 and 30% by 2030]
  6. Support the goals and efforts in collaborating spokes: Child Sexual Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Harassment & Gender-Based Discrimination.
Thriving Statement: Women and girls thrive when they can live lives free from sexual violence.




The Refuge Utah

Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Utah Commission on Criminal & Juvenile Justice

Utah Department of Health and Human Services

Utah Department of Workforce Services

Utah Domestic Violence Coalition

Utah Office for Victims of Crime

Friends Against Family Violence

Peace House

University of Utah

Rape Recovery Center

New Horizons Crisis Center

Seekhaven Family Crisis & Resource Center

Safe Harbor





Get Engaged: Ways to get engaged include learning about sexual violence in your community and encouraging your workplace, community organization, or club to hold a sexual violence prevention training; being a leader in your community by starting a conversation with your family and friends about consent and encouraging education on consent in your circles; and volunteering with UCASA or a local rape crisis center. Thank you for your interest!

Danielle Rosales


Danielle Rosales

Spoke Coordinator
LinkedIn Profile