Bolder Way Forward for Utah

Organizational Strategies & Workplace Culture                                            BWF Logo

The Organizational Strategies & Workplace Culture spoke focuses on the decisions and actions that the leaders of any type of organization (e.g., business, nonprofit, government, schools, universities) take to elevate the stature of women in business and boardrooms and to support them to do so. This spoke highlights the organizational level strategies, initiatives, and programs that organizations use, including family-friendly practices and policies that support all employees and help them thrive. Areas of focus include increasing the percentage of women in senior leadership positions, increasing the retention rate of women at all levels of an organization, increasing the number of women on an organization’s board of directors, monitoring pay by gender and race to identify and close gaps, and establishing or enhancing leadership development and other types of inclusive programs.

Spoke Leaders

Pete Codella

Pete Codella

Managing Director, GOEO
LinkedIn Profile

Pete Codella is the Managing Director of Business Services at Utah Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity (GOEO). He received a bachelor’s degree in communications from Brigham Young University and an MBA from the University of Utah.

Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity
Impact Performance Solutions

Chris Haye

Chris Hayes

CEO, Impact Performance 
LinkedIn Profile

Chris Hayes is the CEO of Impact Performance Solutions, a global leadership and business coaching organization that focuses on the neuroscience of leadership and culture change. She has almost 30 years as a proven business transformation leader and leadership coach. 

Bold Vision & Goals

To make Utah a place where more girls and women can thrive, the Organizational Strategies & Workplace Culture spoke leaders and partners have crafted the vision and goals below. Spoke leadership and UWLP team members are currently working to collect baseline data that will assist in adding numbers to the changes we want to see by 2026 and 2030.

Vision: Empower all employers in Utah to elevate women's presence and success in organizations through taking strategic actions and creating inclusive policies, fostering gender equality and diverse leadership, and cultivating family-friendly and thriving workplaces.    

  1. Change Utahns’ agreement (understanding and perceptions) in the following areas: [Metric Dashboard]
    1. My organization offers family-friendly policies to meet my needs. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 25% by 2030]
    2. In my organization, I have opportunities for advancement. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 25% by 2030]
    3. My organization has strategies that advance women in the workplace. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 25% by 2030]
    4. I feel a sense of belonging at work. [Increase agreement by 10% by 2026 and 25% by 2030]
  2. Increase the number of companies committed to the ElevateHER Challenge. [Metric]
  3. Expand resources for organizational leaders on strategies and policies that can better support Utahns and their families. [Metric Forthcoming]
  4. Increase data measuring organizational strategies and culture impacting women through on-going, academically rigorous research and published studies. [Metric Forthcoming]
  5. Support related goals in collaborating spokes:
    1. Increase the percentage of Utah women leaders in all industries (in support of Leadership Development Spoke Goal #1).
    2. Increase the percent of women in the higher income earning category ($100,000+, in support of Gender Pay Gap Spoke Goal #2).
    3. Increase accessibility for employees of Utah’s 100 Companies Championing Women as reflected by the increased percentage of companies providing a childcare benefit (in support of Childcare/Pre-K Programs Spoke Goal #4).
    4. Increase the quality and quantity of training related to sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination across all sectors. (in support of the Sexual Harassment & Gender-Based Discrimination Spoke Goal #6).
    5. Increase the number of companies offering formal return-to-work positions and offering quality part-time jobs for women (in support of the Workforce Development Spoke Goals #2 and #3).
Thriving Statement: Women in the labor force thrive when they are employed by organizations that have inclusive policies, foster gender equality and diverse leadership, and cultivate family-friendly, opportunity-rich workplaces.


Economic Development Corporation of Utah (EDCUtah)

Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity


Megastar HR

Impact Performance Solutions


Utah Community Builders

Utah State University Extension

Utah Women & Leadership Project

Women’s Leadership Institute

World Trade Center Utah




Working Groups

  • Communication
  • Events
  • Metrics
  • Public Policy
  • Research

Get Engaged: Get Engaged: Other ways to get engaged include taking the ElevateHER Challenge and joining our LinkedIn group. Thank you for your interest!

Kristen Lee

Kristen Lee

Spoke Coordinator
LinkedIn Profile