Arts & Humanities

Young Pianists to Perform at Youth Conservatory Christmas Recital

By Kate Stewart |

LOGAN — The Youth Conservatory Christmas Recital will be from 6-7 p.m. Dec. 14 at the Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall on Utah State University campus.

This recital will feature performances of aspiring pianists who participate in the Youth Conservatory program at USU.

Attendees can enjoy high-level performances of festive holiday music from young students ages 5-18.

According to Youth Conservatory Director Emily Ezola, students and their teachers worked hard preparing their pieces for the Christmas recital auditions Dec. 5.

“Most students are assigned a YC Holiday audition piece from their piano teacher right after Monster Concert, during the first week of November or so,” Ezola said.

The pianists will perform various holiday songs from traditional carols to fun and festive classic music. The featured music will capture the familiar feeling of the holiday season.

“My favorite part of this event is hearing these young performers play in the world-class Performance Hall,” Ezola said. “The acoustics and pianos in the Performance Hall are on a whole new level from where YC students typically get to perform, and seeing them play in such a professional environment on a top-of-the-line instrument is an amazing experience.”

Youth Conservatory Christmas recital attendance is free and open to the public.

“Friends and family members come to support the performers, and the kids are always so excited and grateful for the enthusiastic audience,” Ezola said.

For more information regarding the Youth Conservatory Christmas recital, check out the event website.


Kate Stewart
Public Relations Specialist
Caine College of the Arts


Emily Ezola
Piano Faculty
Department of Music


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