Arts & Humanities

Jazz Nights to Help Fund Scholarships, Elite Hall Restoration

By Carter Ottley |

Patrons can enjoy live music, dancing, dance lessons and an optional dinner during Jazz Nights at Elite Hall from Feb. 8-10. Dance lessons are from 6-7 p.m. and live music and dancing are from 7–10:15 p.m.

The live music will be performed by the USU Jazz Ensemble and USU Jazz Orchestra with a portion of the funds raised at the event used to support The Larry Smith Jazz Scholarship. The Jazz Orchestra will also be taking donations to raise money for their trip to Europe.

KaDee Hoffer explained how the Larry Smith Jazz Scholarship helps alleviate the price of education for USU students.

“It can help offset costs that may be a barrier to their education as they choose to pursue their passion of music,” Hoffer said. Contributions “could be as small as helping to purchase a new mouthpiece or help pay for tuition.”

Some of the funds raised will also be donated to The Hyrum Heritage Foundation. This foundation is working to make the Elite Hall landmark a functioning part of history by continuously repairing the building.

If that’s not enough, the Saturday event will include a dance contest on the only spring-loaded dance floor in Utah — one of the only spring-loaded dance floors in the nation. Now’s the time to show off some dance moves, Hoffer said, but if anyone is hesitant and questioning their dance skills, the event is for people of all skill levels.

“Jazz Night at Elite Hall is a great event for all ages and not just for those who can dance,” Hoffer said. “If you want to learn, there are dance lessons and members of the USU Big Band Swing Team to teach throughout the night. Even if you want to just come watch, listen, and have an amazing meal, I promise you'll be entertained.”

Attendees have the choice of purchasing a dance-only ticket ($10 for USU students and $15 for the public) or a ticket including dinner for $30. Dinner will be served on Friday and Saturday from 7-8:30 p.m.

Purchase tickets and learn more about this event online at


Carter Ottley
Communications Specialist
Caine College of the Arts


KaDee Hoffer
Jazz Night at Elite Hall
(208) 201-2363


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