Arts & Humanities

Caine Ensembles to Perform Top-Tier Chamber Music

By Kate Stewart |

LOGAN — The Caine Ensemble groups at Utah State University will perform their biannual Caine Ensembles Concert from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Nov. 20.

This concert will take place at the Russell/Wanlass Performance Hall. Admission is free and open to all.

Attendees can anticipate hearing performances from the five Caine Ensembles: the Caine Brass Quintet, the Caine Percussion Ensemble, the Caine Saxophone Quartet, the Caine String Quartet, and the Caine Woodwind Quintet.

According to Jeiran Hasan, USU flute assistant professor, the students performing featured in these ensembles are all students on scholarship. They have auditioned to join their ensemble.

“The students that perform in the concert have received an additional music scholarship, because they were the best student of either their particular instrument or in their area,” Hasan said.

Joel Ockerman, USU music (horn) temporary assistant professor, said the students in the Caine Ensembles are “the best of the best” in their areas of study.

“To honor them we’ve placed them in this ensemble where they receive extra coaching from other faculty members and they perform for events for the dean, for the president and for the provost,” Hasan said, “It's kind of like highlighting our really strong stellar students.”

According to Ockerman, this concert will be a showcase of their students’ creativity and ideas about performing.

“I haven't heard the percussion ensemble, the string quartet, or the saxophones yet, so I'm just looking forward to hearing everybody,” he said.

Ockerman is coaching the Caine Woodwind Quintet and the Caine Brass Quintet.

“I think it's going to be a really wonderful program with a variety of styles, and very different sounds for each group,” Ockerman said, “I think it's just a real treat to hear all these student groups come together and perform.”

Ockerman wishes to thank the Marie Eccles Caine Foundation — Russell Family for their generous support.

For more information about the Caine Ensembles Concert, check out the event site.


Kate Stewart
Public Relations Specialist
Caine College of the Arts


Joel Ockerman
Temporary Assistant Professor
Department of Music


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